Breaking Author Extraordinaire
Jay Whales

Jay grew up in Marquand, MO battling sasquatches, rednecks, witches, booger eating bastards, drinking Spine Likker fresh from the spigot and just having fun. Jay rode in the back of pick up trucks, never heard of a seat belt until he started working and he and his best friend watched shitty horror movies every chance they got. Jay still has a "real" 9 -5 job, of which he pays most of that to the governmetn so the first lady can vacation in style and the president (on purpose small letters), can lie about something once again.
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Jay also dabbles in acting, it is a hobby, he is not expecting to be the next Clint Howard.
Acting Experience:
Special Thanks: Tales of Poe, 2014 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Xd0GQ4KED5w#t=168)
Migrant Worker, S1E3, American Genius (in production)
Lead Scientist, S1E5, American Genius (in production)
Vampire Club Patron, The Night Watchmen (in production)
Other Experience:
Executive Producer: Roxsy & Me, 2014 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Zkqri5qIo)
Special Thanks: Roxsy & Me, 2014
Voice Experience:
Guest Disc Jockey for Sirius XM Liquid Metal Channel, July 2011
Guest Disc Jockey for Sirius XM Ozzy’s Boneyard Channel, October 2012