Gollitok: A Horror Novel by Andrew Najberg
Gollitok: A Horror Novel by Andrew Najberg was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never read this author before nor had I read the "hype," about this book. If you follow my reviews, you know I am a more action/horror, less words type of person. This book has the classic Gothic vibe, with a slow, detail-loaded buildup. There is a LOT of character development and the ending doesn't really wrap everything up, setting up a sequel or leaving more to the reader's imagination? If you, or someone you buy gifts for enjoys Gothic-style stories, not really horror but scary nevertheless, give this book a read. For what it is worth while reading this I was thinking how it was kind of like the original Dracula or Frankenstein novels, that could be just me though.
3.5 upgraded to 4 Stars
