Booger Eating Bastards, A Non Politically Correct Novella of Horror (3 of 6)

Booger Eating Bastards
Little Suzy Chapman was playing with her dolls in her backyard, not far from the crash site.
Suzy saw many people going back and forth near her house. She had not seen so much activity
in town maybe in her whole short life. Suzy had heard her dad tell her mom there was a huge
“wreck,” whatever that meant, and many people were dead. Suzy knew what dead meant, her
grandmother was dead from some inbred “fucking her to death.” Suzy didn’t know what being
fucked to death meant but she saw inbreds sometimes come and go from the woods and
assumed they were fucking stuff to death out there. Suzy did not know what inbred meant
either, but she surely knew an inbred when she saw one. Some had no hair, some had knots on
their head or body. Some had extra arms or legs or their joints went the wrong way. Some
looked like lizard people. They also seemed to talk too loud as well. Mom said this was
because they either could not hear but dad said they talked so loud because they were “fucking
retarded.” Her mom and dad had gone to help out with the wreck. Suzy knew if, by chance,
she needed an adult, her aunt lived two houses away on the street that paralleled the train
tracks. Inbreds coming and going were as much a part of a Marquanders life as growing a
garden and picking blackberries straight off the thorny bushes.
As Suzy’s dolls chatted with each other, Suzy saw a mottled creature come off the hill, out of
the woods, into her yard. Suzy wondered if the weird mottled creature meant to fuck her to
death. The creature acted kind of shy but seemed to want to play with Suzy and her dolls. At
first Suzy would not share but the creature seemed nice enough and after a while Suzy let the
creature play with her. The creature did not talk and was actually unable to talk, as they all
were. They communicated by pointing and gesturing, which quickly became commonplace.
Suzy and the creature played together for hours, until Suzy’s parents came home and saw her
with a new, strange looking friend. Suzy’s dad went into the yard and asked Suzy who her
friend was and she told him he had wandered into the yard from the woods and could she keep him, if he wanted to stay. Suzy’s father was reluctant to allow this weird looking creature with
a long tongue into his house, but the creature was so adorably cute, it quickly won over Suzy’s
mother who over‐ruled Suzy’s father about the creature.
The creature showed Suzy and her family what it ate, which was not much and as a week
came and went, more of the townspeople came over and met the creature. Suzy named him
Harry, because he had no hair and Suzy thought the name was “ironic,” though she didn’t really
know what ironic meant but she had heard some city folk, off the train, say it in town once
when Suzy was with her mom. Everyone assumed Harry was a male, but the creatures were
actually asexual and had no genitalia as humans were used to seeing. When Harry used the
restroom, his defecation looked like rabbit pellets and was found to be very good for the
gardens in the area. When Harry peed, it was very little and generally not noticeable. After
two weeks, most of the town had seen Harry. The townspeople were still busy with the train
wreck clean‐up, however they sometimes wondered where Harry had come from and was he a
one of a kind creature.
Hennessey was from the hills around Marquand. A lot of the people in the hills were
referred to as inbreds by the locals and by the people who moved through Marquand on the
trains, who may have seen them. To the travelers, the inbreds were becoming an attraction
and seeing one was said to bring good luck to the traveler. Sometimes experienced travelers
had betting pools about if they would see an inbred while in Marquand and some even broke
the bets down to the time of day the inbred would be spotted. The inbred had to be spotted by
at least three travelers to keep cheating down to a minimum. The inbreds had many physical
problems due to their inbreeding and were quickly noticeable. Some inbreds looked totally
normal but their brains were not even close to being right. The local Marquanders mostly
ignored the inbreds, as they were known to suddenly “snap” and have sex with each other,
animals, stumps or other people. Sometimes the inbreds fucked people to death, as little Suzy
had heard. Inbreds also tended to steal people stuff and sometimes try to sell it back.
The Marquanders believed if you did not ever look an inbred in the eye, they would most
likely leave you alone. Hennessey was as inbred as they came. She was also a dwarf, standing
only about three and a half feet tall. Hennessey was married to her first cousin, Timmy, who
was fully retarded, his development had stopped at about eight years old. Timmy and
Hennessey had a child, which was neither a dwarf nor retarded. Since the two were first
cousins, the assumption was the child had something wrong with it, but no one knew yet what
that was as it did not appear to be physical. The child would have grown up to be a mass
murderer and would have had not a shred of human empathy. The child, who was still nameless, was eight months old and tended to cry a lot. Timmy had learned when the baby was crying, he could stick his penis in the baby’s mouth and the baby would suck it like a bottle. This solved two problems in Timmy’s mind, the baby got something to suck on, thus keeping him quiet, and more importantly, Timmy got his dick sucked by a professional dick sucker. Hennessey really did not like the baby sucking her husband’s dick, she felt that was her job, and she sometimes got jealous enough that she wanted to kill the little husband stealing baby slut, though she never did.
One day while the baby was sucking Timmy’s dick, Timmy blew his tainted pecker load into
the baby’s mouth and all over the baby’s face. Timmy had a sexually transmitted disease that
he had gotten from another one of his cousins once while on a trip to see his and Hennessey’s
family in the woods. Inbreds did not see real doctors so the sexually transmitted disease, which
most inbreds had and passed around, had festered for years. Hennessey, of course, had the
same disease. Now the eight month old baby already had a sexually transmitted disease. The
baby had the disease in its nose and later its eyes, causing its nose to run a lot. Hennessey let
the baby’s nose run, the little husband stealing cock bite could clean its own damn nose as far
as she was concerned. Hennessey’s feeling of jealousy were not a strong inbred trait, most
shunned away from monogamy or anyone trying to make them monogamous. Inbreds also
didn’t particularly care what sex they were having sexual encounters with either. As people
thought back to this couple, it is amazing the child even got fed until Brown arrived.
The mottled (which is what they were called), that approached Hennessey and Timmy’s house
probably wished it had gone elsewhere. However it would conduct an act, that if only the
townspeople had known about much earlier, and placed all of the pieces together, may have
saved many of the town’s children in the near future.
Hennessey and Timmy’s creature, instead of becoming like a trusted family member as the
others would become, became more of a sex slave for the two rejects. They called “their”
mottled creature Brown, because they both thought the mottled was the color brown, even
though he was black and grey, like every other one. Since Browns hands were small, the
inbreds quickly learned to have Brown put his hands up their asses, generally both of their
asses at the same time, up to Brown’s shoulders. Inbreds were constantly experimenting with
sexual deviancy, though mostly with each other. The inbred would kneel on the floor, on his
hands and knees, with their faces away from Brown, in front of him. With his long slender
tongue, Brown also had a lot of oral sex, mostly with Hennessey. This happened generally at
the same time when he had his hands shoved up their asses. The ultimate goal was to wrap his
tongue around Timmy’s ball sack loosely, while tonguing Hennessey’s clitoris with the end of his
tongue, at the same time his hands were coming in and out of their asses. The sexually transmitted disease caused the baby to generate a lot of yellowish/green mucous, which seemed to continuously run from its nose. While on that topic, let us learn a little bit about mucous:
Mucous, for those that may not know, is a viscid (meaning sticky or gummy), fluid that is
produced by mucous cells or membranes. Everyone often discovers mucous in their nose,
though many deny it, thinking such a natural body function is “below” them. Mucous also lines
everyone’s stomach, intestines, urinary and reproductive cells. Colloquial (meaning old
fashioned) terms for mucous, particularly that which originates from one's nose, include "snot",
"boogie" or "booger". "Snot" generally refers to runny, sticky mucous, while the term "booger"
embraces the more solidified variety, that is often eaten by others, never by you, the dear
reader, of course.
Lets talk a little about the colors of mucous and what the colors mean: Clear mucous ‐ when
the mucous is clear, it is a good start and usually means there is no infection. However, if you're
always blowing your nose, you may have an allergy. People with hay fever or other allergies
generally have clear mucous.
Green mucous ‐ this is an indication of a sinus infection. 90% of sinus infections are caused
by viruses.
Yellow mucous ‐ this is also an indication of a sinus infection, however the yellow color
shows that your system is fighting back.
Brown mucous ‐ your mucous may be brown if you are a smoker or drink too much alcohol.
Another cause is blood in the mucous. This can be caused by nose bleed’s or an irritated throat,
giving mucous a brownish tinge. If you were working around a sandy/windy environment, the
darkened color of mucous would be a direct result of trapped dirt particles in your nose.
One day, Hennessey and Timmy wandered off in search of a new woodland creature or other
object to use as a sex toy. Brown as a sex object, it seemed, was getting boring and tended to
whine and cry a lot while being used. The two had forgotten about their baby but at least
Brown was there. Brown was sore from having both of his arms jammed up inbred assholes, so
he was glad to see them go. After an hour or so, the baby, who was sleeping, woke up and was
hungry. The baby had a fully loaded diaper to boot. The baby screamed and screamed, yet no
one came. Brown was getting annoyed at the baby’s inane noisemaking, because when the
morons were gone it was the only time he could get any real sleep in and they rarely went
Brown walked into the room the baby was lying in and saw the baby’s nose and pretty much
the baby’s face were covered with mucous. Brown did not differentiate what color mucous the
baby had though. Brown was amazed the baby could even breathe due to the amount of mucous it was generating, which it barely could breathe. Brown walked over to the baby and
when he got close enough to smell the mucous, a feeling came over Brown that had never
happened to him before.
A close approximation to Browns feeling, is how it felt the first time a human ejaculates. We
all remember the first time and if you are a male you probably thought you had broken
something near and dear to you. Once it happens though, it is going to happen many times a
day, be it alone or a group effort. Anyway, the smell of the mucous made Brown have that
loving feeling. At first he thought he was having a stroke or something but as he realized it was
the mucous causing that feeling, he got closer to the baby.
Brown reached over and picked the baby up. This was the first time he had paid much
attention to the baby except to give it a bottle. Brown was surprised how light the baby was,
and also how smelly the baby was. Brown reached out his tongue and licked some of the
mucous off the baby’s face. At that second, the feeling of euphoria overtook Brown. Brown
took another tentative lick, to make sure the mucous was what had caused that feeling, and
indeed, it was the mucous. Brown licked harder, then faster and deeper. As he licked, Brown
got more aggressive, anyone or anything coming around him would have gotten injured if they
attempted to come between Brown and his mucous source. Brown continued to lick the baby’s
mucous from its face and head and chest. When he came out of his deranged state of mind,
after no longer tasting the mucous, because it was all gone, there was definitely something
wrong with the little human.
The little human had stopped generating ecstasy generating mucous, the baby had stopped
crying and the baby had stopped moving. Browns feelings of exaltation were quickly draining
away and no matter how much he shook the human, all it generated was blood, which brought
Brown no jubilation. Brown noticed the human was no longer breathing and as Browns
frenzied breaths slowed down, he realized the human’s head looked like a chunk of raw
hamburger. The head was no longer pink and hairy, it was now its own shade of grey and red,
with blood draining from its orifices.
Brown looked around and put the baby down. Brown fled into the woods, never to return to
his “joyous” inbred family again. Little did Brown know that once his kind had an orgasmic
state from mucous inhalation, they had only maybe one more hour to live. Brown went into
the woods and died, regretting what he had done to the baby but dying either way.
Hennessey and Timmy returned from their trek through the woods to find a woodland
creature sexual partner. They were unable to find a sexual partner, however they did find a
representative of the local church on their doorstep upon their return. Since Hennessey and
Timmy and the baby were all non church members, this young and new to the town, member of one of the local churches had decided to recruit more people for her church. With the trains
not running, fresh faces were hard to find in Marquand. Hennessey and Timmy thought she
was there hopefully to have sexual relations with them, or possibly to they thought she was
there to cook them dinner or to change the babies loaded diaper?
Timmy went immediately to the baby’s room because he needed a dick sucking to get his
juices flowing. Timmy noticed the baby looked strange and he asked Hennessey had she done
something to the baby. Hennessey came in and denied any knowledge of what was wrong with
the baby. The church member, let’s call her Ruth, came in and immediately saw the baby was
apparently dead. The baby’s head seemed to have all of the skin flailed away, the baby’s
nostrils seemed to have been poked into its brain, as well as it eyes and mouth. The baby’s face
was basically one large hole. Hennessey and Timmy wandered off into the bed room, inviting
Ruth along for a sexual threesome if she wasn’t going to cook dinner.
Ruth immediately started screaming and ran outside, attracting the attention of local people
who followed her into the inbreds house. The townspeople saw what had happened to the
baby that most didn’t even know lived there. Local Marquanders immediately noticed the baby
had been murdered and they noticed the baby’s parents did not seem to notice or to even care.
Hennessey and Timmy were in their bedroom, with Timmy squirting diarrhea shit at
Hennessey’s pussy, trying to score points in a way only they knew. Timmy and Hennessey
assumed Brown would clean up the shit later and it didn’t smell any worse than the baby did
anyway. If Timmy shit into Hennessey’s pussy, he scored two points. Hennessey could then
queef the shit in her pussy into Timmy’s eye for four points, or into his mouth for three points
in return. No one ever won because the two could not count.