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American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free by Pete Hegseth

American Crusade: Our Fight to Stay Free by Pete Hegseth was received direct from the publisher and I chose to review the book. Anyone not suffering oxygen deprivation from wearing a useless medical mask because they were told to by the lefties, knows America is at a crossroads, possibly fighting the Second Civil War as we sit here. We hear it every election time, but the 2020 election is certainly the most important one of my lifetime. America has been going downhill since the Obama years, Trump got us back up but then the Republicans allowed us to be dragged down with this wuhan virus vast over reaction. Pete relates we are in need of an American crusade, cleaning out the academic and cultural rot that has over ridden Americas youth. Only informed and unapologetic patriots can Make America Great Again and that time is now.

The media will lead less intelligent people to believe that progressivism is the overwhelming majority in the US. Smarter people see progressives are maybe 25% of the population, the other 75% are deplorables clinging too their guns and bibles.

The thought that every congressman/school system sucks, "except mine," is a root cause of the political down fall. Your congressman/woman sucks just as bad as mine, rest assured and they ALL NEED TO GO.

The author hits on many topics, such as the call for National Health Care, when the Veterans Administration has failed time and time again to manage even 10% of the populations health care. The topic of "50/50 Americans," those affected with wokism, who think globalism is the shizznizzle. Does the European union experiment not prove that globalism did nothing but open borders for "refugees" to cross borders effortlessly to plan and complete acts of terror, while the leaders all exhibited no nationalism at all. There are those who think there are more than two genders, those who are not intelligence enough to see socialism never has and never will work. Those who think global cooling, they mean global warming, oops they really mean climate change is a real issue (havent heard much of that all recently have we)? And honestly, many of these people are school teachers, who as we speak, are fighting to keep the schools closed. Amongst all of the political books out or coming out prior to this important election, I would recommend this one as the author seems level headed and spot on. Some of the thoughts in this review are mine. Remember they are not after Trump, they are after us, he is just in the way. Time for a crusade.

5 stars

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