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Booger Eating Bastards, A Non Politically Correct Novella of Horror (6 of 6)

Booger Eating Bastards

Lisa and Rick decided they would go to the family friendly event at the school house, but

they would arrive late. Rick wanted to fool around and try to get his own family started since

the moonshine business was doing good. After the loss of their mottled, Rick decided he may

need to hire a hand on to either be a salesman, which is what Rick mostly did, or to help Liza in

making the product. With the mottled gone, Liza was always tired from carrying water and

finished product. Rick was also experimenting with adding fruits and the like to the product to

spice up the flavor. Thus far, thought the taste was very good, Marquand men kept telling him

they refused to “fruit up their liquor like some Kansas City faggot would do.”

Liza was already lying on their bed “naked as an inbred” as the local saying went. Rick

walked in and got undressed. He climbed onto the bed and started caressing Liza’s breasts and

then nuzzling them with his tongue. Rick brought his head lower and tongued Liza’s belly

button while she caressed his hair with both of her hands. Rick came up and penetrated Liza

like a stud horse mounting his mare. Rick started pumping his hips and for a quick second he

thought he felt something such as a mottled tongue flick across his bare ass. Rick looked down

and saw nothing and continued having sexual intercourse with his wife.

Rick blew his load into Liza, after what seemed like an hour, with Liza having came twice,

maybe three times, because that’s how Marquand men treat their women, everybody comes or

no one does. Too bad nowadays birth control is few and far between. The two got up and

washed up with a cloth before getting dressed to go to the Fall Fair. They walked up the hill

near the small bridge, turned right and entered the school grounds. Liza was surprised there

were so many people and especially so many mottleds at the school. Liza decided when she got help, be it Rick’s help, another mottled, or Rick hired someone else, she needed to get out



Little Chubby was feeling sick to his stomach. His nose was running so much, and he was eating so

many boogers, he felt as if his stomach was going to burst from being overfull. Ranger on the other

hand, was already the mottled version of pissed off because with gallons of mucous running from his

nose, Little Chubby had not shared any of it with Ranger. It was almost enough to make Ranger want topunch Little Chubby’s lights out and take some of the wonderful, wonderful mucous, except Peter and

Christine were home and they did not approve of his punching Little Chubby. Little Chubby was dressed

and the four of them walked over to the school, which was very close as the proverbial bird flew but it

entailed walking down one hill and halfway up another one to get to the school grounds. Many people

were there already and Little Chubby rubbed his shirt sleeve on his nose, leaving a horrid mucous streak

on his sleeve. Anyone else having this would have been grossed out and would have horrified others. In

Little Chubby’s case however, everyone who knew him was used to his eating boogers and being booger

infested. Ranger saw the wasted snot and his desire to punch little Chubby returned more‐so than

before even. They walked into the school gymnasium.


The Fall Festival at the Marquand school was more a fund raising event than anything else. All of the school classes had a booth of some sort, such as games, a kissing booth, maybe a cake walk, something to help the class raise fund for the rest of the year. Further, local groups could rent space with the understanding they would not duplicate anything a actual class was doing to raise money.

The townsfolk rarely got so many people in one location and many looked forward to the event so

they could “visit,” for a good cause. The younger school children often took their booths very seriously

as it was their first introduction to the American free market system. The high school kids often saw it

as another way to get together and party. Some had stolen beer or other alcoholic products they would

sip and act entirely too drunk over, some even had homemade alcoholic products that they were lucky

they did not go blind while sampling, since they had not heard of foreshot. Of course it was the

mottled’s first time to experience so many humans in one location and many of the mottleds did not

even known each other as well, and something was making the mottled’s feel all funny inside.

Shortly after the Fall Festival event started, it started to rain outside which turned into sleet. It

melted as soon as it hit the ground but the weather outside turned on everyone with a colds internal

nose faucets. The mucous started flowing freely. Mostly it got wiped on coat sleeves or sucked back up

into the owners heads. One child was seen with a long green string of mucous hanging about to this

belly button level. He then moved his head in a circular motion rather quickly, slinging the mucous onto

some old man walking by’s pants. Another child was seen at one second having two thick mucous trails

from his nose to his upper lip, the next second the mucous was mostly gone and the child seemed to be

chewing something. Another child was seen holding a container up to his right nostril, holding his left nostril shut and blowing, catching the mucous in the container, he then switched nostrils and repeated the process. Maybe he was saving the mucous for later when he got hungry? Maybe it would be fertilizer for the garden? Maybe his parents could not afford pomade for his hair? Another child was seen blowing the mucous into a handkerchief that he carried in his left back pocket, too bad the mucous was overwhelming the handkerchief.

As the evening progressed and the mucous kept flowing, the mottleds started getting more and more antsy (fidgety: restless or squirming around ion a restless, bored, or impatient way). The mottled were not sure why, but something was starting to bring back some of their baser instincts, those instincts to mate, feed and kill.


Little Suzy and harry did not attend the Fall Festival because Suzy was young and had never heard ofthe festival so she could not beg her parents to take her. She did not know most of the people there

anyway. As Little Suzy played with her dolls and then went to bed when it got dark, Harry paced around

the bedroom and then the whole house. Soon thereafter, Little Suzy’s parents went to downtown

Marquand to see the train off, though it would drive right by their house a mere few seconds after it leftthe town center.

Harry was troubled, something was going on, he could feel it in the air. Little Suzy was not sick due to her not going around the other children but Harry sensed other mottleds were getting excited. He did

not know why and none of his generation had ever been properly trained by the mottled elders on the

way of mottled life, due to the hole opening up and they all leaving because they hated living in the

underground and rarely coming out. Much like dogs had done at some point in the past, the mottled

had decided to live amongst the humans and Harry’s generation was the first to do so (and the last).

Harry went outside after deciding just going outside to get some fresh air. Harry was not leaving

Little Suzy when it was his duty was to ensure her safety. Harry stepped out on the back step and

looked at the full moon. Back in them days, Marquanders did not have a need for fences, everyone

knew where their property started and stopped and they all knew each other and mostly cared what the

others thought of them. Harry took a deep breath and out of the corner of his left eye he saw a

darkness that was darker than the night was. Strong arms grabbed Harry and pulled him into the


The inbred, who was named Smelly Melly, had three arms, four legs and one tit. Her tit was

unusually large, about the size of a basketball. As such her having one big tit was never really noticed by anyone except those who saw her naked, i.e. other inbreds. Smelly Melly had been observing Harry for a couple of days and she did not really know he was a non human creature. Her assumption was that he was a inbred like her and her family. Smelly Melly intended to have sex with Harry several times overthe next few hours. Harry had other plans. After Smelly Melly dragged him into the woods, Harry struggled to break free, using his superior strength that he had over humans. Harry could smell and feel this was a human, though it felt “weird” in some places. As Harry struggled, Smell Melly held him with one arms and fondled herself with her other hand. As most inbreds preferred, Smelly Melly was not wearing any clothes, though to be fair, she had worn some out of her house but she had taken them off when she saw Harry step out of his house. Smelly Melly had a huge vagina and as such, she needed both hands to stimulate herself, so with one arms holding Harry she was not satisfied. Harry continued to struggle so Smelly Melly removed her hand from her nether regions and grabbed where Harry’s genitals should be. The area was smooth so Smelly Melly readjusted her hands but could still find no male genitalia on the mottled. Smelly Melly was not happy. As Smelly Melly readjusted her hands to look once again for Harrys cock and balls, Harry chose that moment to try and run since he now realizedinbred strength, at least this inbred, was much stronger then mottled or human strength.

Harry tried to run but Smelly Melly was used to men trying to escape her clutches. She grabbed Harryand pulled him back. Harry was pulled back so forcefully his head hit a branch and broke his neck,

killing him after he dropped little turds onto Smelly Melly. She did not notice any turds, after all her

name was Smelly for a reason. Smelly Melly felt Harrys body go limp and she felt sad. Her evening of

planned “strange sex,” was not going to happen. Smelly Melly placed Harrys hands together and used

them to fondle herself into orgasm. Mottleds do not go into rigor mortis like humans do or Smelly

would have used parts of Harrys body as a dildo. After playing with the mottled body for a few hours,

Smelly Melly threw the body down further into the woods and walked toward town. Smelly Melly was

the first casualty of the first train to leave Marquand after the Great Train Wreck, getting splattered a

few hours later while jamming a track switching handle up her ass.


The Fall Festival started out as planned, with people spending money on games and getting

reacquainted with each other. Between farming and cleaning up from the Great Train Wreck, the

townspeople had not been seeing a lot of each other except in passing. As more people arrived, it

continued to sleet and melt. The people in the gym’s body heat continued to increase, as most had

dressed for the party later. Between the wet clothes from the sleet outside and the body heat of the

school gym, it was a sauna like effect on the peoples, namely the children’s, sinuses. The mucous

started to flow much more freely, quicker than the adults or children could control it.

Jingleheimer Oppenheimer’s nose was like a spigot. Jingleheimer laughed at something said and

accidentally blew snot chunks onto Rover Hunt. Rovers tongue darted out and tasted the strange

mucous, this set him over the edge. Will all of the mucous flowing, and all the mottled’s fighting to

control themselves, the simple act of one generally happy kid may or may not have caused the ensuing


No one really speaks of the massacre nowadays. It is like no one remembers it. The Great Train

Wreck some still refer to but many don’t remember that anymore as well. Those who do remember the

School Snot Massacre, as it is sometimes referred to, all agree that all of Marquand’s children were killed on that fall evening. Some adults were as well. The Mottleds all departed after the massacre and were seen heading into the woods near the Castor River bed, to never be seen again. Occasionally bones are discovered that are possibly mottled bones. The children were all buried in the hole the mottleds were thought to have originated from. The large rock was then placed back over the hole, where it still stands, awaiting another New Madrid fault line earthquake. The adults procreated plenty of new babiesthe night of the massacre. Life continued on in Marquand.

The End

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