Mutation A Unit 51 Novel by Michael McBride
Mutation A Unit 51 Novel by Michael McBride was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I have read this established author in the past, from the Darkfuse days, and will continue to do so. Mutation is obviously, per the title, part of a series, though it is the first I have read. UFO/alien encounters books have not been common in recent years, though due to US government declassifications, they seem to be picking up in popularity. This book is not particularly a UFO book, more what I would call a "creature feature," with a viral background. The book jumps around from person to location though in a way that it doesn't get annoying, all the while not dragging the reader down with unnecessary, inane dialogue.
If you, or someone you buy gifts for, is interested in a creature book that spans all corners of the globe and incorporates almost all government agencies, certainly give this book a read. The series seems to be real promising.
4 stars.