Bone Whispers by Tim Waggoner
Bone Whispers by Tim Waggoner was received directly from the publisher and I then chose to review it. Tim Waggoner is one of the few...
101 Ways to Rock Running For Office by Dayna Steele
101 Ways to Rock Running For Office by Dayna Steele was received direct from the publisher. I then chose to review the book. I have...
AUSTIN 3:16 316 Facts and Stories about Stone Cold Steve Austin by Michael McAvennie
AUSTIN 3:16 Facts and Stories about Stone Cold Steve Austin by Michael McAvennie was received directly from the publisher and I chose to...
Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast by Jonathan Winn
Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast by Jonathan Winn was received directly from the publisher and I chose to write a review. I had never...
The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Heaven According to The Devil
The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Heaven According to The Devil was received direct from the publisher and I chose to write a review. ...
The House that Fell from the Sky by Patrick Delaney
The House that Fell from the Sky by Patrick Delaney was received direct from the publisher and I chose to write an awesome review. I...
Winning by Craig Dinsell
Winning by Craig Dinsell was received direct from the publisher and I chose to write a riveting review about the book. I had read some...
If you are reading this, email me from this site and I will send you the first person who does, a free hard copy of Marquand Tales.
The Proctor Hall Horror by Bill Thompson
The Proctor Hall Horror by Bill Thompson was received direct from the publisher and I chose to write a review. The book starts out as...