Book Reviews
As a up and coming author, I belong to several publishing lists where-in I receive books, for free, in order to review them. Book reviews are very important to us authors, which I learned after releasing my first novella. It seemed the ONLY people hwo would take the two mnutes necessary to post a review were people who absolutely hated the novella. One reivew, which you can stil find, which was written in England (Internationl Book Seller alert!), was obvious the reviewer had read the very first paragrpah of the novella, and no more. She then write a scathing review about the novella being about incest. Which I guess, kind of, in theory, was true since the novella was about In Bred Rednecks. Abyway, I will try and list my reviews here. The rating are 1-5 Stars. You will NEVER see me rate ANY fiction novel less than three stars, in my opinion it is senseless to do so since a rating is SUBJECTIVE. The only books I give less than three stars are alleged non-fiction "hack" jobs, generally politics,