Memories of An Exorcist: My Life Fighting Satan by Marco Tosatti
Memories of An Exorcist: My Life Fighting Satan by Marco Tosatti was received from the publisher in exchange for this review. I went into the reading of this book having seen the Exorcist movie and reading a few "true" stories of demonic possession. I came out of reading this with a much greater understanding of the phenomena of demonic possession and being cursed. I will not go into the plot line, though with the way this book was written, in a interview format, that would be difficult anyway, The stories are easy to read, generally short and some are scary. The reading of the book lead me to question, if this one priest in Rome was so busy, why do I not hear of more priests being exorcists and if I need one, who do I call? The translation was flawless, not difficult like some are and this was one book that I thought was too short, generally after 180 pages I am ready for the book to be over, not with this one. A definite read if you are interested in this topic, or not, it may open your mind to other things.