The SkinTaker, by Frazer Lee
The SkinTaker, by Frazer Lee was received early from the publisher in return for this honest review. The book was slow paced, with just enough of the protagonist to keep me really interested. When I say slow paced, I did not say boring, because slow or not I did not skim though this book (skimming by me costs points and with five there are not many to lose). I am not one to go into retelling the plot, one of the other reviewers wrote a novella for you about the plot of this book. If you are interested in the 1920's era, though not of rich people as most books of this era are written, and/or the Amazon (Rain Forest not the web site), then this book is for you. This is the first I have read of this author and I will seek him out for past books or future endeavors.
4 Stars