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Wrestling For My Life: The Legend, the Reality, and the Faith of a WWE Superstar by Shawn Michaels

Wrestling For My Life: The Legend, the Reality, and the Faith of a WWE Superstar by Shawn Michaels, i.e Michael Shawn Hickenbottom. I already see it some of the snarky reviews, this is not a book about wrestling or the life and times of the wrestler known as Shown Michaels. This book is more about the lifestyle change a cocky wrestling superstar after he found the woman of his life and introduced God into his life. Nothing more, nothing less. If you are one of the progressive elites who doesn't believe in God, DONT READ THIS BOOK, it cannot be any simpler. The book was well written and was a quick read, though not short. I have not read any of this authors other books about the pro wrestling lifestyle (the ONLY TRUE SPORT), but I will be seeking them out. This book is highly recommended if you are not one of those I spoke about earlier. I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

4 Stars

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