FREE! Sasquatch
On April 29th, my novella Sasquatch, A Non Politcially Correct Novella of Horror will be free for two days. Get the novella free, post a review and email me the review link from my web page here:, and I wil send you another novella free. You can get most, but not all, of Marquand Tales free in this manner if you keep reviewing novellas and sending me the link. Sasquatch is available on Amazon here:…/…/ref=sr_1_2…
Anyone interested in purchasing Marquand Tales, A Non Politically Correct Novel of Horror, can now buy it at a cheaper price. The catch is, every 50 hours, the price increases so get it NOW for the best price ever at Amazon:…/…/ref=sr_1_1….
Share this with all of your friends and I will spam you at least once more during the next week while these Specials are going on.