The Disassembled Man by Jon Bassoff
The Disassembled Man by Jon Bassoff was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. When I first received this book, I was unsure of what to expect. This author writes books that, to me, are harder to read, well written but hard to read. This book was not hard to read at all, there are not many books that are better. The Disassembled Man, again to me, was written in the old school “tough guy” style cops stories. The book was chocked fool of one liners, that each reader should memorize at least one and make them popular again. Mine is "drank more than a dehydrated fish." The subject of the book, Frankie, both lived by the knife and died by the knife. If you like in the slightest any of the topics I have written about in this review, I probably did not do them justice, get this book, learn your line and spread it around.
5 Stars