Shunned by Cynthia Heard Darling

Shunned by Cynthia Heard Darling was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I must admit, I had high expectations for this novel based upon it description about living with meds for clinical depression and subsequently fighting back against the drugs and drug makers. The novel was slower than I am accustomed to reading though it moved steadily forward with its storytelling. While it is fictional in nature, many parts of the novel could have been written as first hand knowledge about the ease of being over prescribed anti depressants and the absolute difficulties of ever coming off these drugs once addicted to them. The book title, Shunned kind of went “over my head” for the longest time until I was reading how the author was telling people to read the Scarlet Letter. I then had to refresh my memory on that story, which made the title and parts of this novel make much more sense to me. The religious portions of the book were unexpected to me as well. Not saying I minded it, but some may, so be aware. If you are interested in the prescription drug industry and/or want to learn about antidepressants and what they do to a persons body, this book is for you or your person you may be wishing to buy a gift for.
4 Stars.