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Snowblind 2: The Killing Grounds by Michael Mcbride

Snowblind 2: The Killing Grounds by Michael Mcbride picks up like a movie sequel, though it is seven years after the original book left off. The book was recevied direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The "monsters," (for lack of a better term), continue on in their lives with more humans discovering them as they search for the original group. The question though, of course is who is tracking who in the Colorado Rockies, during a storm. McBridge cracks a few one liners to keep thing lightened up, my favorites was, "like a dead skunk wrapped in sweaty socks." you can probably figure out that was about the smell of something. This author never lets his dialogue slow down to the boring stage and for that, I salute him and will continue to search out his materials. If you liked the first Snowblind, or you like this author, or just want a fast moving monster book, this is the book for you. There is absolutely no need to have read the first one prior to reaidn this one, however the set is double the monster fun.

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