The Realms of the Dead: Crossfades and Bleedovers by William Todd Rose
The Realms of the Dead: Crossfades and Bleedovers by William Todd Rose was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. horror novellas are just my "cup of tea," in that a novella stays in line with my self diagnosed ADD, as long books tend to bore me the older I get. Anyway, these two novellas combined make a decent book but just not to my liking. i am still into monsters and mass murdererers, not meta physical "stuff." Some other reviewer stated this bopok would make a good movie or mini series, and with that I agree, some things are better for me to see on the screen than to read. That being said, this is a direct cut and paste from the book description: "There’s only one thing standing between humanity and the dark forces of the supernatural: the secret agency known as The Institute. The organization depends on regular guys like Chuck Grainger, a Recon and Enforcement Technician who guides tormented spirits into the next life. From an office deep underground, Chuck projects his spirit into Crossfades, monstrous realms where the souls of the dead, unable to move on due to fear or anger, devise macabre tortures for themselves and one another. He’s always been able to leave his work behind at the end of the day—until now. Because Chuck’s work is coming after him." if this is your type fo book, certainly buy it becasue this description is not misleading, like many can be.
3 Stars.