A Family Apart: Sleuthing the Mysteries of Abandonment, Adoption and DNA by Craig A. Steffen

A Family Apart: Sleuthing the Mysteries of Abandonment, Adoption and DNA by Craig A. Steffen, was received direct direct from the authors publicist to preview prior to interviewing the author. That being said and out of the way, I am not adopted and kind of always assumed once a person got through the legal rigmarole, the adoption was complete and a happy family was began. Craig showed me this is not particularly the case as there are many caveats to adopting a child, which led to very interesting reading. Craig is also a very good writer so that helped not bog the reader down with legalese. This book follows the author as he searches for his birth mother and father and the hoops to jump through and the successful end results. Successful in that he found them, not so successful as what he was hoping to achieve by doing so. Recommended for anyone interested in this subject matter or, like me, not really thinking about adopted children except when watching old movies about orphanages, etc.
4 Stars