The Gods Eye View by Barry Eisler
The Gods Eye View by Barry Eisler was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Let the hating begin by those who disagree but I loved this book. The Gods Eye View started out fast and kept moving, rarely slowing down. The book is also right along the lines of what many Americans are thinking though are too afraid to say about our current government, as seen on the news, when they bother to report it, all too often. The book then gets scary in what could be happening with politicians and judges and cabinet members, those who are supposed to protect us but instead protect the establishment. Remember the phrase, “they look for you when you try to hide something from them.” While the book is fiction based, all too much of it is real and the author even sources where he got the information from. Don’t forget, our current Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress, on national television, and is still in his position. As such who is watching the watchers? If you wish to be taken on a yard about government overreach, as seen on the nightly news, this book is the book for you.
5 Stars.