Unforgiving by Christopher Kenworthy
Unforgiving by Christopher Kenworthy was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The book ( a western), was first released in2007 and is getting its second wind, which is good. The story immediately runs full speed, winding up in Tombstone (which I am partial to having visited there several times), and even the Earps make appearances. The storyline minutely explores the fact that while the American west was huge its sparse population made everyone know each other at least within the third degree, so "vetting" someone was possible via word of mouth. There was non stop action until the end. If you have never read a western and want to experiment, this would be a good first western. The only “con” I could mention is at times you can tell it was written by an Englishman, though it did NOT in any way throw off the storyline.
4 Stars