Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie Plague by Michell Plested
Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie Plague by Michell Plested was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I must start with, generally nowadays I avoid zombie books like the "undead plague," because they are all about the same storyline. Further, there are way to many out there. On the same line of not wanting to read this book, the Boy Scouts which I grew up with, have gone off the deep end with the liberal agenda so I avoid that organization as well. As such, a book putting the two together started out at a distinct disadvantage with me. This book however started out well, and even had a few learning points thrown in, along with the dreaded meteor shower horror buffs have learned to not like, the book moved right along. The book was never boring and was age appropriate for Boy Scout aged children. Even with my initial fears, this book is recommended for any scout who enjoys not too graphic horror. Be prepared for an abrupt, setting up a sequel ending. 4 Stars