A Hard Kick in the Nuts: What I’ve Learned from a Lifetime of Terrible Decisions by "Steve-O" Glover
A Hard Kick in the Nuts: What I’ve Learned from a Lifetime of Terrible Decisions by "Steve-O" Glover was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. Steve-O is best known for his shenanigans from the Jackass TV show and movies. He was the actual first one that I knew his name just by looking at him. Like all of us, Steve-O is aging and this book is about the things he has learned from his foolish lifestyle and is an exploration of life and how to live it. Maintaining the right balance of "living life to the fullest," and being a sensible adult is what this book attempts to teach the reader. If you or someone you buy gifts for is a fan of Steve-O or the Jackass movies, or you know a young adult who may be veering toward a reckless lifestyle, give this book a read. The holiday season is fast approaching as well.
4 Stars