Call Me Hoop by Drew Stepek, Lucy Leitner, Lucas Milliron, Ryan Harding and others
Call Me Hoop by Drew Stepek, Lucy Leitner, Lucas Milliron, Ryan Harding and others was obtained directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. Finally, a horror book that was interesting all the way through with no wokeness to bore me to tears. Call Me Hoop was a book I did not know what to expect but I read it all the way through with no skimming at all. Eight authors, twelve stories all intertwined into a book where Earth has become a playground for the devil who administers just punishment to those that deserve it. bags of our society. Cops, "Karens," criminals (of course), and others all get their just rewards. Hoop is always ahead of those who attract his attention, and when you are asked to "Call him Hoop", it is already too late, be prepared to pay for your sins.
5 Stars
