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Don’t Call It Hair Metal by Sean Kelly

Don’t Call It Hair Metal by Sean Kelly was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. The author, unlike many authors on this type genre, was an actual band member of several bands over the years. The book, to me, was written in the style, like I was having a long conversation with him. What I mean is it was written not in an encyclopedic manner, such as: this band did this, this band did that. The author mentioned bands I had long forgotten and bands I would disagree that they were as important to the genre as he mentions, however I was a poor young man growing up and had AM radio and could afford one record/8 track a quarter, if that. If you, or someone you buy gifts for, grew up in the 80's and listened to rock music (now referred to as Classic Rock or even Oldies), this would be an excellent book to buy.

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