Midnight Horror Show by Ben Lathrop
Midnight Horror Show by Ben Lathrop was received direct from the publisher and I chose to review it. I have never read this author before, as far as I can remember, however the publisher rarely releases a “ dud” book. This one did not fail to deliver, it moved along at a nice pace though I removed one star due to, in my subjective opinion, it often slowed down too much.
Per the authors web site, since I don't go into plot in my reviews: "Set against the pastoral fields and crumbling meat packing plants of South Eastern Iowa during the fall of 1985, Midnight Horror Show is a Midwestern Gothic Horror story of fairytale shadows, drive-in shocks and VHS era splatter. It’s a story that begins with murder performed for an adoring audience and ends with a young outsider transformed into the monster he thought he wanted to be."
If you, or someone you buy gifts for, like old school horror with some police procedure thrown in, then give this book, being released in the Halloween horror season, a read.
4 Stars