The Keepers by Tan Van Huizen
The Keepers by Tan Van Huizen was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. I had never read this author's work before but I must say I like his writing style. This style is straight to the punch, very little inane dialogue that drags on for pages, and it kept me reading with no skimming. Skimming is a surefire way to cost points when I review. This book is apparently the first in a series, I did not know that until I finished the book, which DID NOT leave a cliffhanger for the next book. As always, I will not delve into the plot of the book except townsfolk protect beings (or are they protecting the townsfolk), rituals, dark woods, etc, you get the basics. If you, or someone you buy gifts for, likes that short description, give this book a read.
4 Stars