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Revels Ending by Vic Kerry

Revels Ending by Vic Kerry was received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I really wanted to love this book, with its Mardi Gras backdrop, its (kind of) different take on zombies (at least in the beginning) and then SPOILER ALERT, demon possession SPOILER ALERT OVER, however I decided on the book was OK. An a side note, having never been to Mobile, AL, are the street names really that similar to New Orleans, LA? Oftentimes I forgot the characters were not in NOLA. This book deals with the devil and his demons and modern technology regarding recording emotions, dying and coming back. Again, I really wanted to LOVE it however, this is my opinion and others may strongly disagree, but the book was too monotonous for me. If it was say 75 pages shorter I may have liked it more. I found myself reading and not really paying attention and then skimming. This is the first book I have read by this author and I will read more by him. Maybe I was just overly expectant with the Mardi Gras backdrop. Anyway if you like Mardi Gras, or Mobile and the devil and demons, please buy this book.

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