Haunted By The Abyss, by Sarah Soderland
Haunted By The Abyss, by Sarah Soderland, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. I have always been interested in the paranormal though I can only attest to one possible incident that I was involved with. This was in a book store in New Orleans and could have been a cat/rat/bat/big gnat, you get my drift. Anyway while Haunted by the Abyss did delve into the authors experiences with the paranormal, I found myself skimming “a lot” through this book because, in my opinion, there was a lot of fluff that some may find interesting, I did not. If you are familiar with this author’s work with the paranormal (I had never heard of her), or you are interested in these type books, certainly obtain this book for yourself as a gift.
3 Stars.