What Waits Beneath by Thomas M. Malafarina
What Waits Beneath by Thomas M. Malafarina was received direct from the publisher. This book is a re-release and re-edit of a book by the same author (of course) that was originally called 99 Souls. . I had never heard of this author before, and after reading this I will seek out more of his works. I am uncertain if I have ever read a "coal country" book, I visit those areas frequently enough so I am very familiar with the people and landscape. This book is a quick read that rarely bogs down and even had the "crazy old coot" made famous by the early Friday the 13th movies, "its got a death curse." (you know the guy). There is a creature eating souls that may or may not get up from below and I have to think this book would make a mighty fine horror movie, that people would actually watch.
4 stars