HORRORific Tales - Nanjing Fried Rice by Jay Whales
HORRORific Tales - Nanjing Fried Rice by Jay Whales
1 watching now Premiere in progress. Started 2 minutes ago Friday 11th November Nanjing Fried Rice by Jay Whales Customers at a fast food restaurant get more than they bargained for in this tale by Jay Whales. To keep up to date with Jay and his work visit: https://authorjaywhales.wixsite.com/m... Keep it creepy. Keep it HORRORific! Sign up to our mailing list: http://eepurl.com/h6wV2f Get involved with the show: https://www.thehorrorificpodcast.com/... Subscribe to Horror Pack: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=939878... Support the channel: https://www.thehorrorificpodcast.com/... Sign up to Rumble https://rumble.com/register/HORRORific/ (We sometimes use affiliate links for the products we share. This is of no extra cost to you but goes towards helping the channel grow.) #horrorific #thehorrorificpodcast #keepitcreepy #horror #darkstories #horrormovies #horrorfan #horrortube The Horrorific Talk Spot Horrorific Tales