The 10 Greatest Conspiracy Theories of All Time by Brad Meltze
The 10 Greatest Conspiracy Theories of All Time by Brad Meltzer was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. Unless you live under a rock, you have probably heard of Brad Meltzer, either from his books or television shows and appearances. Conspiracy theories are a hobby of mine and often times I spout them just to see what reaction I get, such as “we never landed on the moon.” This book lists 10 conspiracy theories and gives “facts” presented by both sides and then the author's team theory on the subject. Leaving you, the reader to decide on what you want to believe. My moon theory is not one in the book though, so there is no convincing me. Anyway, if you or someone you know enjoys reading about conspiracy theories or know someone who might need to be schooled on Freemasons or the Kennedy or Lincoln assassinations, give this book a read.
5 stars