The Eight Wonder of the World, The True Story of Andre the Giant by Bertrand Hebert and Pat Laprade
The Eighth Wonder of the World, The True Story of Andre the Giant by Bertrand Hebert and Pat Laprade was received direct from the publisher. I chose to review it on my own feed will. I wonder does the modern age of Millennial's And Generation Z even know who Andre the Giant is or more accurately, was other than possibly hearing a rumor about him in passing or seeing The Princess Bride and thinking he was solely an actor. If only they knew the man who knew Saddam Hussein, among others who wrestled his entire life because a man his size could not really do much else in an easier manner at least. The book follows Andres life and covers the legends of Andres alcohol drinking abilities, “118 beers in one sitting?” Really? If you or someone you buy gifts for likes Andre, wrestling or being entertained at all, give this book a try.