Rattus New Yorkus by Hunter Shea
Rattus New Yorkus by Hunter Shea was received direct from the publisher. Hunter Shea is one of the few “creature feature” type writers...
Welcome to the Show: 17 Horror Stories - One Legendary Venue, edited by Doug Murano
Welcome to the Show: 17 Horror Stories - One Legendary Venue, edited by Doug Murano, was received direct from the publisher. Anthologies...
A Shadow Away by Joan K. Lacy
A Shadow Away by Joan K. Lacy was received direct from the authors publicist. The easily to read novel “kind of “takes some Perry Mason...
Vestal by Charlee Jacob
Vestal by Charlee Jacob was won in a online contest. I had never heard of this author prior to receiving this book, that was originally...
Lost Highways: Dark Fictions From the Road edited by D. Alexander Ward
Lost Highways: Dark Fictions From the Road edited by D. Alexander Ward was received direct from Crystal Lake Publishing. An anthology...
The Moor by Sam Haysom
The Moor by Sam Haysom was received direct from the publisher. Character developement is a overly strong suit of this author. Take that...
Bloody Mary, Tudor Terror by Phil Carradice
Bloody Mary, Tudor Terror by Phil Carradice was received direct from the publisher. Most everyone has heard the urban legend of Bloody...
Forgotten Men, The Bayou Hauntings by Bill Thompson
Forgotten Men, The Bayou Hauntings by Bill Thompson was received direct from the authors publicist. I had never heard of the author or...
When Animals Attack: The 70 Best Horror Movies With Killer Animals edited by Vanessa Morgan
When Animals Attack: The 70 Best Horror Movies With Killer Animals edited by Vanessa Morgan was received direct from the publisher. ...
Toby Chalmers Commits Career Suicide by Jeremy Thompson
Toby Chalmers Commits Career Suicide by Jeremy Thompson was received direct from the publisher Necro Publications. I had never read...