Unseemly by Jason Parent
Unseemly by Jason Parent was received direct from the publisher. Graverobbing always seemed to be such a noble job, that and pimping I...
Dread and Breakfast by Stuart R. West
Dread and Breakfast by Stuart R. West was received direct from the publisher. This author has many books under his belt, I have read two...
Keep in a Cold, Dark Place by Michael F. Stewart
Keep in a Cold, Dark Place by Michael F. Stewart was received direct from the publisher. I had never read this authors work before. ...
Feral by James Demonaco and B.K. Evenson
Feral by James Demonaco and B.K. Evenson was received direct from the publisher. Feral is a decent enough read, not boring and moves...
Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers, The Rise of Motorhead by Martin Popoff
Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers, The Rise of Motorhead by Martin Popoff was received direct from the publisher. Motorhead, the iconic...

Mythos Christos by Edwin Herbert
Mythos Christos by Edwin Herbert was received direct from the authors publicist. The storyline, which reverts from past to present,...
Death and Pestilence, A Horror Anthology
Death and Pestilence, A Horror Anthology edited by Andrea Johnson was received direct from the publisher. Anthologies are always hit or...
Snow by Howard Odentz
Snow by Howard Odentz was received direct from the publisher. Howard is my kind of writer, no nonsense and balls to the wall. Snow is a...

Mythos Christos Author Interview
This interview was conducted by Jordon Greene (www.jordongreene.com), to author Edwin Hebert, the author of Mythos Christos. This book...

MYTHOS CHRISTOS Author Interview
The following interview was not mine, it was conducted by Sally Allen (No Further Information) on author Edwin Hebert, author of MYTHOS...