Demon with a Comb Over by Stuart R. West
Demon with a Comb Over by Stuart R. West, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. What happens when you...
Murder in an Irish Village by Carleen O'Connor
Murder in an Irish Village by Carleen O'Connor was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. The book is a...
The Gods Eye View by Barry Eisler
The Gods Eye View by Barry Eisler was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Let the hating begin by those...
Submerged by Thomas F. Monteleone
Submerged by Thomas F. Monteleone was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Submerged starts out strong...
Babylon Terminal by Greg Gifune
Babylon Terminal by Greg Gifune was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Other reviewers have related...
My Caricature
The artist who drew my caricature is Luke Hamilton, whom I met in Savannah, GA. his web site is here: http://www.threecrowsillustration....
Catch me Hosting Worldwide Satellite Radio this week
I recorded my 30 minute set on Sirius XM /Liquid Metal Channel 40 and my set will be playing on the world wide radio and to whatever...
How to Keep Writing When No One Cares
JAY WHALES: I DID NOT write this article, but at times it is oh so fitting in regards to writing, which lucky for me is more a hobby...
Run from Nightmare by Maxine O'Callaghan
Run from Nightmare by Maxine O'Callaghan was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Run From Nightmare...
WZMB by Andre Duza
WZMB by Andre Duza was received dirst from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Andre Duza and Deadite Press are both on my...