IBRNSOB FREE Today only (9/11)
On 11 Sep 2015, my non-politically incorrect novella In Bred Red Neck SOB's (Redux), will be FREE on Amazon. This is a ONE DAY ONLY...
Broken Chain by Lisa Von Biela
Broken Chain by Lisa Von Biela was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. This author is always hit or miss for...
The Zombie Stories of H. P. Lovecraft
The Zombie Stories of H. P. Lovecraft was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. That being said, I would still...
Only Available Here Michael Ransom Interview
On 14 Sep 2015, I will be posting to my blog, right here on this page, an exclusive interview I conducted with up can coming author...
Free Books
Between 28 and 29 Aug 2015, my non-politically correct novella Booger Eating Bastards, will be FREE on Amazon. Download it, read it,...
Inkling by John D. Waterman
Inkling by John D. Waterman was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. inkling is one of the very few science...
Divine Scream by Benjamin Kane Ethridge
Divine Scream by Benjamin Kane Ethridge, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. Like some other reviewers,...
Under the Black Flag At the Frontier of the New Jihad by Sami Moubayed
Under the Black Flag At the Frontier of the New Jihad by Sami Moubayed was provided direct from the publisher in exchange for this review....
Marquand Tales at a Reduced Price RIGHT NOW!
Progressive pricing is going on right now the novel is $1.99 but the price raises every 10 hours or so. This is the entire set of...
More Than Human: The Mensa Contagion by Steven M. Moore
More Than Human: The Mensa Contagion by Steven M. Moore was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. I grew up...