The power of the Internet.
The power of the Internet. In 2009 I owned a Home Brew Store in San Antonio, TX called Home Brew Fetish. I chose the name to get both...

Dark Screams: Volume Five
Title: Dark Screams: Volume Five Editors: Brian James Freeman and Richard Chizmar Writers: J. Kenner, Bentley Little, and Mick Garris...
A quick rundown of upcoming events
A quick rundown of upcoming events: - I will be taking part in a locally (DC) based political drama, that is on Netflix, though I can not...
Haunted America FAQ: All That's Left to Know About the Most Haunted Houses, Cemeteries, Battlefi
Haunted America FAQ: All That's Left to Know About the Most Haunted Houses, Cemeteries, Battlefields, and More by Dave Thompson, was...
The God of Hungry Walls by Garrett Cook
The God of Hungry Walls by Garrett Cook was received direct fro the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am generally a HUGE...
Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror, edited by Christopher Golden
Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror, edited by Christopher Golden, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an...
Sentinels by Matt Manochio
Sentinels by Matt Manochio was received direct from the publisher in exchange for an unbiased review. This book seemed hard to review...

Here it is..My EXCLUSIVE Interview with author Michael Ransom
About The Ripper Gene: A neuroscientist-turned-FBI-profiler discovers a genetic signature that produces psychopaths in The Ripper Gene, a...
Convalescence by Maynard Sims
Convalescence by Maynard Sims was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. I have read this/these authors before...
RANSOM Interview
It is getting down to crunch time, less than 24 hours and I wil be posting my EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with author Michael Ransom RIGHT HERE.