We Are Monsters, by Brian Kirk
We Are Monsters, by Brian Kirk, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. Once again I am going against the...
Thief of Souls by JG Flaherty
Thief of Souls by JG Flaherty was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. Upon starting to read this short...
America Invades by Christopher Kelly
America Invades by Christopher Kelly was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. I loved this book, the way I...
Cold as Hell by David Searls
Cold as Hell by David Searls was provided to me direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. To start out, I am going against...
Dark Screams Volume Four, by assorted authors
Dark Screams Volume Four, by assorted authors was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. The Dark Screams...
Born on the Bayou (AKA COONASS: A Memoir) by Blaine Lourd
Born on the Bayou (AKA COONASS: A Memoir) by Blaine Lourd, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. The book...
81 Days Below Zero: The Incredible Survival Story of a World War II Pilot in Alaska's Frozen Wil
81 Days Below Zero: The Incredible Survival Story of a World War II Pilot in Alaska's Frozen Wilderness, by Brian Murphy, was received...
Welcome to Necropolis by Bryan Killian
Welcome to Necropolis by Bryan Killian, was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. Another zombie book, oh boy,...
Dust of the Dead by John Palisano
Dust of the Dead by John Palisano was received direct from the publisher in exchange for this review. The zombie genre is getting worn...
Free today and always willing to talk REVIEW EXCHANGE:
WEDDINGS SUCK is Free today and always willing to talk REVIEW EXCHANGE: http://www.amazon.com/Weddings-Suck-Politically-Correct-Horror-...